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As we know it

Good we get along


Lots of webs

People always connecting


We all like to have fun


Good news or bad

Honesty needed for eternity

There will be clarity

Many decisions will come


Being able to live with self

All kinds of reasons

For sleeping with everyone


Life with choices

Sometimes nowhere to run


Expectations can come with love

Unconditional by some

What will be will be


Tomorrows cant always be seen


Comfortable in your own skin

Living with and without sin

Are not what matters


Being alive

Feeling pan sets the bar

Possibility for how far

You will go

For your personal gain

Or not


Contemplating moments

Organizing thoughts


Surrendering to forgiveness

Can be a hit or miss


As we get older

No need to get colder

Over pretend friends


Be safe

You’re getting stronger

Living by for the hour

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