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Ghetto raised

Animals in the garden

Emotional lessons


Thanks to hurting

Must remember

They were just flirting


Many positions

Leaving being free

Stopping and starting


Nobody owning

Intense heat and sweating

Looking forward to other mornings


Won’t pin you down

Happy when your around

Holding touching

Firsts new sounds


Weaving in and out of time

Living to die

Sums find out why


Learning many lessons

Going forward leaving the past behind

Many minds sharing


On the leading edge

Mortal combat till the end


We first met

Can feel the energy

With no power struggle

Arm wrestle

Pulling you close

Eye to eye

Liking the attitude

Good use of words

With no verbs


Wish you well

No hidden agendas

Parting even in storms


You’re into fun

I’m the one

Don’t fall in love

No desire to be the only

Will never be lonely


Lightings our canopy

Cracking and frightening

Our bodies intertangling

Energy exchanging

Climaxing never ending

Tapping out a possibility


Let them come

When the demons want in

Fishing an reeling them in

Exposing all sins

Sins may be forgiven


New feathers grow



passion where you have been


Knowledge never gets old


Nothing faster

Leaving all behind

Stare death in the face

Carry truth to another place

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